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Insurgency Pack 1

The well-known HL2 Mod Insurgency is now available as a standalone version and we have recently added Insurgency Servers for rent.
Insurgency is based on the established Source Engine, where you don't have to level weapons and items, but where you can just start playing.
The game is a mixture of CoD and Source, the fight of terror against anti-terror with the difference that one has no life display here.
The aiming requires a lot of practice, so the first rounds are truly frustrating, you die all the time.
But if you find out how to play the game and the teamwork works out, Insurgency is incredible fun.

Configurable Options
Available Addons

Upload your Images, maps , configurations , plugins, and back-ups in a single place and access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
€3.00 EUR Monthly
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Order Summary

Insurgency Pack 1 Insurgency
Insurgency Pack 1 €4.00 EUR
 » Player Slots :: 4 Slots €0.00 EUR
 » Ram: 4GB €0.00 EUR
 » IP Options: Shared IP €0.00 EUR
 » Server Location : : Europe - Germany €0.00 EUR
Setup Fees: €0.00 EUR
Monthly: €4.00 EUR
€4.00 EUR Total Due Today

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