In the future of LEAP, become an elite mercenary and join the battle between the United Earth Defense Coalition (UEDC) and the Exo-Terran rebel army. Work with your team, use the futuristic weapons and your unique class abilities, and jump into the vehicles to claim victory.
Your rewards and the glory of victory await you, but until then you have to prove yourself.
In the future of LEAP, become an elite mercenary and join the battle between the United Earth Defense Coalition (UEDC) and the Exo-Terran rebel army. Work with your team, use the futuristic weapons and your unique class abilities, and jump into the vehicles to claim victory.
Your rewards and the glory of victory await you, but until then you have to prove yourself.
In the future of LEAP, become an elite mercenary and join the battle between the United Earth Defense Coalition (UEDC) and the Exo-Terran rebel army. Work with your team, use the futuristic weapons and your unique class abilities, and jump into the vehicles to claim victory.
Your rewards and the glory of victory await you, but until then you have to prove yourself.